Full text in notifications


A number of my members have expressed frustration that when they receive the notifications they only get the first few words and thus have to log-in to get the full post. They would like the notification summary to include enough of the post (if not all of it) so they can decide whether to pursue it further.

10 Replies

I would agee that the limted number of words used at present from discussion items rarely conveys the nature of the topic. I'm not sure that all all of the discussion item is necessary and could even be counter productive. I would think something like 50 words should get the point across without significantly lengthening the notification e-mail.


Well, how about giving the group manager the option of including (or not) the headshot/photo image in the email notification? Maybe 10% of our members have uploaded pictures, so the email is full of those generic man and woman images that are frankly beginning to bug me. I can see where those images might be fun and useful (gamer communities with younger members, for example), but not so much for our group. That would most likely also apply to main screen Recent Group Activity - allow groups to decide whether to display photos on a group by group basis.

Yeah, I concur that the head shots are a bit too generic. Perhaps as Ms. Hills suggested they should be able to be turned on and off or some other solution that would make them less freaky. If they were a really weird picture of some kind, then members would be more likely to post up their own picture.

@ Catherine: Hmmm.... I'm surprised to hear that some of you are annoyed by head shots silhouettes. We recently added a new welcome pop-up that enables new group members to upload their photo immediately after signup. We also added the profile completeness meter on the summary and member area sidebars. Hopefully these additions will prompt more users to upload their photos.

I'm not sure if removing photos or adding an option to remove photos is the solution that would best serve the majority of users. Would it help if the photos were smaller?

@Gareth: The object of the notification summaries are to encourage group members to login and look around. We have added cookies to make login almost as easy as not logging in. To post a significant portion of a discussion post in the summary would change the nature of the summary. We plan to improve notifications soon. Would it would help is we didn't say "NEW DISCUSSION POST" but actually displayed the title of the discussion post in the summary?

I am with Donivan on this one - a small chunk (e.g., 50 words) of the post would be good.

Clarence: the title of the post would help considerably. I have received quite a bit of feedback from my group that the inability to discern the topic from the notification actually stops them from logging in! They say "ahh well....." and move on. I definitely need to engage my readers from their emails to even get them to the program itself.

@Gareth - DONE! You will see the results of this change the next time you receive notifications.

How is that for response time? ;-)

Let me add one thing too.

Although the title changes, etc. will be there, the old description text will still be there for old activity entries. The new entries should have the new format.

This text in the activity log should show up in the new style.

that is quick - thanks guys!!

oooh it is looking good - would still like a few more words from the actual post - but the titles work well. The only thing I noticed - for file uploads the title reads "file has been deleted"

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