Is there ability to obtain a site map


I searched the discussions but could not find any info on site maps. Is there a way we can have a link to generate a site map specific to our group site?

8 Replies

Definition Of The Word: "sitemap"

According To Tech Terms

A site map, sometimes written "sitemap," is an overview of the pages within a website. Site maps of smaller sites may include every page of the website, while site maps of larger sites often only include pages for major categories and subcategories of the website. While site maps can be organized in a variety of ways, most use an outline form, with pages arranged by topic. This gives visitors a good overall picture of how the site is organized and clearly defines all the resources the website has to offer.

While a properly designed website should allow visitors to navigate the entire site without using the site map, incorporating a site map gives users another means of locating pages. For this reason, each page listed in a site map is typically linked to the page it represents. This allows visitors to quickly jump to any section of a website listed in the site map.

..And this is about all I can offer on this topic..

Ed - We do not currently have the ability to auto generate a visual site-map based on your Groupsite content but that is a very interesting suggestion worth looking into.


Let me add to this - we do actually generate a sitemap that is read by search engine spiders such as Google, Yahoo, MSN/Livesearch.   It is not really "human readable" however.  For more information on this type of sitemap, visit


How can we get this sitemap in order to submit it to google/msn/ect.? Or can we get to it at all?

DeAndrea, in the Appearance and Branding section, all the way at the bottom of the page, is a link to WebMaster tools.  That's where you can find all of this stuff.

I just added another link to the section at the top of the Appearance and Branding page as well, in the upper right hand corner.  Plus I added a little bold New to the description for the section (under Appearance and Branding) on the Groupsite Settings page.

Hopefully this makes it easier for people to find this in the future - but we really to get some online help or even searchability for the manager area... at the very least, just an easy way for people to find things in the manager area.

On this same discussion, if we have updated our site to be hosted on a custom domain, we would need to add our custom domain url for the correct url to be swept, so would our sitemap information be: ?

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