"Integration Of The Posting System"


So I went to the next lev.. "Advanced Editor" and found that it was a little better at entering data.. but I would have to switch between the Advanced tab and the HTML source just to set the page up.. Adding the spaces between paragraphs and images was  major issue or obstacle to over come..

In another post here Under the Bug Category.. I was in need of some assistance.. Every time I would enter a blog post etc.. and Press enter, The cursor would return to the top and beginning of the paragraph..

Another issue I am facing.. I have limited hand and arm movements.. thou I try to do everything with one or two clicks of the mouse to enter my blog or post ahead of time within my note pad..The problem lys with "not" having a spell checker intergraded into the posting area.. again I am forced to rely on another source or area to correct the spelling then paste it back into the posting window.. yes sounds like allot of work.. and it is in my view.Atleast one could or should place the windows in order of assocation upon entering the post.. IE HTML Source, Advanced Editor etc..

Most users would not know to start posting information into the HTML source area first then moving to the Advanced editor.. Just seems to be allot of running around.. I didn't know one must enter the "P" code in order to create a paragraph..

Remove the "basic editor" and the "textile", integrate the "Advanced Editor" and "HTML Source", Thus creating a one step system of entering data and spell checking.

Note: I am able to use the spell checker system in the HTML source window only.. Integrating this into the Advanced Editor would be a bit easier. One thing that is troubling to me.. I have been to other forums and networks where their CSS or forum coding is very similar and I have gotten use to this.. Yet when I came here.. the coding is new to me.. and its like a whole new learning process.

Is there not a site with a list of common codes one can or should use while editing your post and blogs?.. I created a blog this morning on one of my networks.. and I wanted to integrate some images into the post.. Took be two hours to figure out how to add just three images..

Update: Here is an image of "other" social network's Posting system..(Figure 1)

Alternate Posting system

Update: Here is an image of "other" social network's Posting system..(Figure 2)

Alternate Posting system

I would consider (figure 1) to be the simplest or easiest when it comes to posting images and text.. But (figure 2) is beginning to grow on me. I just discovered this text box system at another site, which is closing fast or bridging the gap between (figure 1) and (Collectivex's text box) system.

As you can see.. Plan, simple and to the point.. The posting area allows for all types of text media and all the "extra" goodies some of us use when creating topics and posting images within our networks.

1 Reply

UpdatedJanuary 08, 2009 01:30PM est

(Added More Images)

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