Blog Tagging


Id like to request blog tagging. A blog tag cloud would look similar to this in the blog sidebar... maybe its even just a widget option?


6 Replies

I'd even like to extend that request to be tagging across the entire platform, including discussion topics, blog entries, calendar, photo gallery, ect. This could be a major help when people are searching for information, and will help bring key content (most talked about and therefore tagged) to the attention of users. 


DeAndrea - I agree.  We have had tagging on the development roadmap for quite sometime, in fact we originally intended to get it done by our last major release back in September but were were swayed to put subgroups as a higher priority so tagging got pushed back.

Rest assured that it will happen, however, it will be "tagging for the rest of us" not just tagging for the digeratti.

Our 90% mantra of 90% of or users using 90% of our features 90% of the time will still need to hold true as we think about the simplest way to add tagging.

We have already documented a lot of this process but always welcome ideas and suggestions - especially along the lines of actual uses like: I would like to be able to tag members based on how they answer specific questions (i.e. - are you a teacher or a student?) so I can segment email blasts to all students based on that tag.


Awesome! I had never thought of the idea of tagging users based on an answer to a profile question, but I could see this as very beneficial- sort of like list segmenting. So how will it appear in the groupsite? Like a tag cloud for discussions/blogs or..? 

Not exactly sure how it will appear yet. Still working on that.  A tag cloud is an interesting phenomenon but can be a pretty obscure thing to a first-timer. We don't want to re-invent the wheel just to be different but we like simple and intuitive to everyone (including newbie taggers). As we get closer, I will be happy to run some of the ideas we have by you.


Yeah, I would be happy to give my opinion as usual when you guys get to that point! :) Some of my initial thoughts: I think the tag cloud idea- possibly in widget form on the sidebars for discussions/blogs would be the most intuitive for those visiting the site, although I am not sure what it would look like on the back-end for managers. Maybe just as an additional text field within the discussion/blog posting area where you can separate tags with a comma. As for the tagging of users.. well I don't really have any ideas.. 

I agree that Tag Clounds can be intimidating. I would also like to add to this suggestion, that we are able to "tag" shared links.

Have you thought about creating a module that will display everything tagged with a specific term?


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