Need a User Agreement Compliance System


I am assisting a small, not-for-profit trade association build their members only on-line community on CollectiveX.  The association management expressed their concern about inappropriate content and possible legal issues. Free trade violations are the most serious concern on top of the usual slander and solicitation issues.  

I relieved their concern by promising to set up a User Agreement qualification process for community members prior to membership approval.  Now I need to deliver. The association has a public web site.  So I can create pages and response forms outside of CollectiveX.

Could you share your remedies or processes for User Agreement Compliance?

7 Replies

Here is the plan so far for managing compliance on this Invitation Only groupsite...

Using the free-form text option, I created a module for the summary page titled How to Join Our Community.  Then added instructions that direct existing association members (not yet groupsite members) to...

  • click here to sign the User Agreement and you will receive an email invitation from a community manager. The data form on that page also asks if they either have or need an email invite. 

  • Those who complete the form are then sent to a Thank You page that instructs them to return to their invitation email and to next click on the link labeled "Accept the invitation form... to get started" or wait for their newly requested invitation email from a community manager, who must check the membership status of their company before responding.

This allows us to at least attempt to capture compliance in advance.  Meanwhile, we have customized our invitation email by instructing invitees to first go to the User Agreement link, then accept the invitation.  For those who would be typing in a URL, I made the email link as short as possible by placing the User Agreement page in a separate directory called join.  In this case, it is  While the collectivex invitation form does not allow inserting hyperlinks, in testing we learned that email systems typically turn urls into hyperlinks on their own.  This is true for Gmail, Yahoo and AOL.  So invitations sent to those systems generate links that facilitate "two click" compliance/signup.

We also have generated a Custom Profile question for each new member which reads... "I have read and completed the user agreement at" with a multiple choice responses set to: Yes -I have read the document and I agree, No, but I will do so next, No, I do not agree

We have one member who said yes (but hadn't gone there). But we know and can follow up and if necessary, suspend.

The groupsite was switched to Limited visitility, so you can now view the summary page.

Just a thanks for posting this info. We're looking to do something similar. Will give this option a try.

Progress report;

Invited association members are signing up for the groupsite and answer our qualifying multiple choice profile question in either of two ways. (No one has not agreed)

They either state they have:

  1. I have read and agree. (I know they really haven't based on monitoring hits on the User Agreement page). Or

  2. They answer "No, but I will do so next".  And then they don't. (Why am I surprised?)

So now we have accumulated a growing list of members who have not executed the agreement that includes nearly everyone who has signed up.

So I am now thinking that we should have a stronger, shorter agreement incorporated into our profile question.

Is there a lawyer in the house?


We've found that only one in forty actually comply with our directions to view and e-sign the user agreement.  Directing pending members to another site to sign-up hasn't worked.  I am now considering breaking down the User Agreement into smaller segments which will become four or five intro profile questions. Stay tuned.

Our resolution involves the use of an "assumptive compliance statement" using three CollectiveX tools, all referencing our external User Agreement page.

We've placed a notice (free form text, narrow format) on all page margins stating that...

...your participation in the community assumes that you have read and agree to abide by the user agreement which has been established to protect the Community and the Association. Breaches of the agreement could result in loss of Community privileges. Please spend a few moments reviewing the agreement.  with a link.

Also, we added a modified version of this statement to the body of our Welcome Email, again with the simple URL of our user agreement page.

Also we  still have a Profile Question about acceptance of the agreement.

Based on our visitor logs, we know that no one visits the User Agreement page voluntarily.  But we repeatedly tell them they should and they say they have.  So, our previously apprehensive Executive Director is now satisfied with a solution she helped to design.

Hope this model works for you!


This is helpful.  But rather a long process for us.  We have very many groups, and although we have user compliance language to put up, have not yet found a way for them to agree to these conditions upon joining.  Creating a customized template for each of our groups, and monitoring their agreement.

I'd love if we could customize our user agreement statement that is required to join.

Housekeeping here in Champions. Since this topic was last active, has added the ability to add a custom Terms of Service to the "Join" page. This is currently available in Groupsite Pro Mega plans, and may become available in all Groupsite Pro plans in the future. See a summary of Groupsite Pro plans here:

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