Here's a quick video showing you how to join a Groupsite. Most Groupsites are Private, Professional groups that are invite only. This applies to Public and "Limited" Groupsites where anyone can join or you can request to join.
Group Blogs
Here's a quick video that shows you how to make someone a Groupsite Manager as well as how to transfer Manager status from one member to another.
A common theme among Groupsites with the highest levels of group member engagement is an effective Welcome Module on the SUMMARY page.
A strong Welcome Module should accomplish 3 things:
“We took a 'leap of faith' when we...
Between "friend requests," "pokes," "tweets," RSS feeds and the constant barrage of text messages and email blasts that invade our attention every second of every day, it's easy to lose sight of whether we are the dog wagging the tail, or whether the digital tail is wagging the dog.
At, we understand the power of the "wisdom of groups" and the effectiveness of knowledge transfer and collaboration. That being said, sometimes, the most appropriate and effective way to communicate is simply one-to-one. Groupsites allows you to do this though our Private Message...
Are you a "blogger?" (Or, maybe you're on the other end of the spectrum, and don't even know what that means.)
Either way, let's take a look at the Group Blog feature within all Groupsites to see how it works and how it can work for you.
The Group Blog feature is found u...
Here's a quick video showing you how to add or edit an Objective to your Profile in a Groupsite. This is a great way to let your group know what your are looking for or how you are willing to help others.