Manager Tip - Files & Media – Got space?

Since our goal is to allow groups to communicate, share and network, we’re delighted to find that many Groupsites begin primarily as a place to share files and documents. Groups choose because they can share files, instantly and hassle-free, without requiring consultants’ services or lengthy training before participants can actually begin collaborating.

Our File Cabinet and Photo Galleries sections allow you to easily upload files (docs, presentations, PDFs, photos, etc.) so they can be shared with the group.

You can create New Folders to keep these files organized, and search your files. Our search function not only searches the titles of the files, but also does a word search within the documents themselves, making it easy to find what you want.

Another effective way to make use of document sharing within a Groupsite is to attach files within a discussion. When in the “Discussions†section and you are either creating a new topic or replying to one, simply click the paper clip icon (all the way to the right on the Basic Editor tab) and you can attach any file you like.

A free Groupsite comes with 25 megs of file storage space. When you need more, you can add 3 gigs easily for only $9/month (available under the “MANAGER†tab then the “Upgrade Groupsite†subtab.)

This space is only used when you upload files. The following Groupsite activities do not take up file storage space:

- Member Profiles

- Member Objectives

- Key Connections

- Calendar

- Group Blog

- Discussions (unless you attach files)

- Email Blasts

- Private messages

- Embedded video

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