Got Subgroups? Need Subgroups?

"Subgroups." What are they? More importantly, why should you care?

Subgroups are a way to create separate groupings within a Groupsite.  These subgroups have all of the standard features of a Groupsite (discussions, email, blog, calendar, file cabinet, member profiles, member objectives) while also allowing you to narrow the number of participants.

Why would you care? Here are 3 possible reasons:

1. Size - If your Groupsite membership has grown significantly, it might help to allow certain members to also organize by subgroups to allow them to focus on special interest projects as well as participate in the broader Groupsite communications.

2. Visibility - Perhaps there are certain aspects of your Groupsite that do not need to be visible to all group members (like board minutes or staff communications). Subgroups can be made private so only subgroup members can see the communications in them.

3. Organization - Perhaps you have a Sports league Groupsite and want to also organize by teams. Subgroups allows everyone to be a member of the league while also be a member of the subgroup specific to their team, only. In fact, you can rename your "subgroups" and call them whatever you wish (teams, workgroups, chapters, committees, etc.).

There are 2 things you need to understand about subgroups:

1. In order to be a member of a subgroup, you must also be an active member of the parent Groupsite. If all you want to be is a subgroup member, we suggest you create a new Groupsite of your own to serve that purpose.

2. We do not support subgroups within subgroups. 

If you think that enabling subgroups within your Groupsite will help your members communicate, share and network more effectively, go for it!  

Click here for tips on how to get started.

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