Manager Tip - The Power of Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are the basic building blocks that make the World Wide Web the powerful tool that it is. 

Using hyperlinks within a Groupsite is a great way to help your members easily navigate to the most important information.

There are two things you need to understand in order to make use of this feature:

1. All Groupsite pages have their own unique web address (or URL).

When on a Groupsite page, look at the address bar inside your browser (at the top of your screen). These addresses will usually start with "http://".

If you click 3 times on this address in the address bar, it will highlight the entire address.  You can then select "Edit" and "Copy" or use your right mouse button to select "Copy" and you will be prepared to "Paste" that web address into our WYSIWYG editor (which is the second thing you need to know).

2. Our WYSIWYG editor makes it easy to add hyperlinks anywhere in a Groupsite (in discussions, calendar posts, blog posts, freeform text modules and more).

Here's a quick video that shows you how:

How To Add Hyperlinks to a Groupsite powered by CollectiveX from Shaun Callahan on Vimeo.

Here are 4 Ways to Use Hyperlinks in a Groupsite:

  1. Link to a Member's Profile - Any time you mention a member in a discussion thread or in a blog post or even an email blast, you can hyperlink their name back to their Member Profile page making it easy for others to find them.

  2. Link to a New Page - If you have purchased or Content Customization feature and have begun to add new pages to your Groupsite, each new page has it's own web address. On your SUMMARY page in your Welcome module you can list these new pages and add hyperlinks so members can easily jump to any of them right from the SUMMARY page.

  3. Link to an External Site - The internet is a wealth of information, sometimes it's easiest to simply point members of your Groupsite to other websites using hyperlinks.  When replying to a discussion topic, instead of just mentioning a good web resource, create a hyperlink so any reader can instantly click and go straight to the info.

  4. Link to a Discussion Topic - Every Groupsite Discussion Topic also has its own unique web address.  As part of a weekly email update, you may want to highlight a particular discussion topic by linking to it from within your email blast.

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