It really is amazing that something as complex as the internet works at all. One little trick that is supposed to help is the idea of "dropping cookies" (like Hanzel and Gretel lost in the woods) which help you get back to where you were. Sometimes, however, where you were isn't where you want to be, now. If your browser has cached some bad computer stuff, you may have trouble seeing the web page you want to see, the way you want to see it.

One solution could be to clear your cookies and your cache. does not make browsers but we do rely on the browser companies (Microsoft, Google, Mozilla etc.) to play nice and work.

Here's a quick resource to show you how to clear cookies:

Click here and find the link that matches your browser type and version

Here's a great quick resource to show you how to clear your cache:

Click here and find the link that matches your browser type and version


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